
For Investors

Holomua Properties uses a number of different options to fund our real estate activities. While we have and continue to partner with traditional banks and hard money lenders, we believe that working with individual private money lenders is in every sense a mutually beneficial relationship. The risk and limited upside of many investment vehicles today has led many private investors to look into the financial rewards and relative stability of investing in real estate. For companies like Holomua Properties, the personal connection with private lenders eliminates many of the barriers that accompany institutional lending.

Simply stated, we provide our investors with transaction-level investment opportunities. Our investors provide funding for individual properties, as opposed to a pool of properties. They are able to review the particulars of the transaction, including the purchase price, proposed renovations, and probable exit strategies. Their investment is backed by a mortgage on the property, and they are listed on the homeowner insurance policy. Additionally, we are able to give updates on the progress of our property renovations so that our investors have that much more peace of mind.

If you are actively investing in real estate, or have considered this as an option in your portfolio, we’d love to discuss this with you! While we cannot promise you that investing with us will be absolutely risk-free, we utilize a tried and true system of acquisition, renovation, and resale that is designed to provide you (and us) with numerous layers of protection, visibility, and accountability.

Please email Bruce Pratt at or give him a call at 808-896-0005 to find out more. Mahalo!

Before and after pictures of our last two projects, both in Puna.